Rocalba : Hobby Catalogue

VARIETY DESCRIPTION USES AND PROPERTIES CHIVES Perennial plant of about 20 cm, with fine hollow leaves. Mau- ve-coloured florescences. The leaves are very scented and are used to season salads and any other kind of dish. CUL- TIVATION: cut leaves periodically, leaving 1/3 of its height. Light and sunny ground. This plant is basically used as a condiment, whose finely chopped leaves are used in salads and also to season all kinds of dishes. It has an onion flavor and is very fragrant. Its medicinal qualities are similar to those of garlic, including its beneficial effect on the circulatory system. It contains nume- rous sulfur compounds. CAMPION Annual plant. Approximate height of 30 cm. Erect stems. Sessile, lanceolate leaves, bright green in colour, laid out in opposing pairs. Young leaves are consumed in salads, soups, omelette or simply as greens. CULTIVATION: easy. Exposed to sun. Coriander fruits are used dried as a condiment, they are very aromatic and have a citrus aroma when ground. The fresh leaves are very fragrant and are used as a complement in a multitude of stews, sauces, soups, etc. Coriander has the fo- llowing medicinal properties: stimulant, antispasmodic and stomachic. CUMIN Annual plant, 30 cm in height, very ramified, pinnate leaves and flowers, which form umbels. The seed is used as sea- soning, as well as in the confectionery and liquor indus- tries. CULTIVATION: sow in well-prepared, fertile soil. Grows rapidly. Leave plants to dry and then gently knock them to harvest the seeds. It is a very fine and appreciated vegetable in certain Medite- rranean regions. The leaves and tender shoots are consumed raw in salads, or cooked in stews and omelets. It has appe- tizing and digestive properties. It also acts as a diuretic and depurative. CORIANDER Thick grain variety. Annual plant growing to a height of 30 - 50 cm. Very aromatic. The ripe and dried fruit is used as spi- ce and is also valued for its medicinal qualities. All parts of the plant are edible. CULTIVATION: prefers loose soils. Sow seeds rather superficially for better germination. Cumin seed is widely used as a spice in oriental cuisine. It has a characteristic bitter taste and sweet smell. It has car- minative and sedative properties. It is galactogogue and is recommended in infusions to increase milk secretion in nur- sing mothers. DANDELION Perennial plant. Oblong leaves with sharp teeth, arranged in a rosette. Yellow flowers. Leaves can be consumed in salads or cooked like spinach. Diuretic properties. CULTIVATION: easy. Exposed to sun. In addition to its food use, the flowers and dried leaves are used in infusions, for its cleansing properties of the liver, kid- ney and gallbladder. Thanks to its diuretic effect, it prevents kidney stones. It also acts as a digestive tonic and against constipation. DILL Annual plant, 60 - 70 cm height. Straight stalk, very thin leaves and umbel flowers. Very aromatic leaves used as condiment and too extract essences. CULTIVATION: In fertile and deep soil. Sun exposure. Frequent watering. Its leaves and fruits are used in cooking as a condiment. The seeds are used in the preparation of certain infusions for medicinal purposes. It has digestive, eupeptic, spasmo- lytic and galactogenic properties. It attenuates the pains of menstruation. RUSSIAN TARRAGON Perennial plant of 60 cm, with dark green lanceolate leaves, erect stem and tortuous roots. Due to its peppery bitter taste, it is often used as a condiment for vinegars, salads, sauces and so on. CULTIVATION: permeable and light soil, avoiding excessive humidity. The shoots are harvested, thereby increa- sing tenderness on re-sprouting shoots. It is highly appreciated as a spice plant. Its leaves are very fragrant and have a slightly spicy flavor and are used in sau- ces, salads and cooked dishes. The leaves can be preserved either dried or frozen. It has eupeptic, carminative and em- menagogue virtues. GENTIAN Perennial plant with fleshy roots and a straight stem measu- ring just over one metre in height. Pointed leaves, which form rosettes and clusters of bright yellow flowers. Used in the pharmaceutical and liquor industries. In household remedies it is used against loss of appetite and as a stomachic and blood tonic. CULTIVATION: high-lying areas and permeable soils. Harvest the roots. The root is thick and fleshy, with a very bitter taste. Dried, it is used as a bitter tonic in liver treatments and against decay. It enters in the composition of several liquors. GINSENG Perennial plant from warm climates. Looses its leaves in au- tumn and enters into vegetative rest. Sprouts in spring from a leaf bud at the end of the neck. The root, which is harvested af- ter several years, has many medicinal properties: it stimulates and relaxes the nervous system, it improves memory, stabili- zes blood pressure, purifies the liver, reduces cholesterol and is anti-carcinogenic. CULTIVATION: light and shady ground. Resists frost down to -15ºC in resting state. It is highly appreciated for its numerous medicinal uses: it stimulates and relaxes the nervous system, increases me- mory, stabilizes blood pressure, purifies the liver, lowers cho- lesterol and is anti-carcinogenic. GOJI Perennial plant originating from Himalayas. After the first year, it produces red berries, similar to small elongated tomatoes, with multiple positive effects on health. Very easy sowing and crop. CULTIVATION: exposed to sun, or sun and shadow, water in Summer. Very resistant to frost (down to -20ºC). Well known in oriental natural medicine for its multiple health benefits. It has great antioxidant power. Contains a lot of vitamin C. LAMB'S LETTUCE Annual herbaceous plant with oblong leaves, which form rosettes. Used in salads and valued for its pleasant taste. CULTIVATION: fertile soil. Vigorous herb which requires little watering. The shoots are harvested, thereby increasing ten- derness on re-sprouting shoots. The leaves are consumed raw and have a delicate, slightly acid taste. It contains vitamins B and C in important quanti- ties. It stimulates digestion and has a calming action on the nervous system. ST JOHN'S WORT Perennial plant of 30-60 cm in height, it develops by means of rhizomes, from which the stems emerge. The flowers are showy, golden yellow in colour. The leaves and flowers contain essential oils with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anxiolytic properties. CULTIVATION: cool, sunny soils. Used to treat insomnia, nervousness, irritability and anxiety. It also has antibacterial properties. It is usually taken as an infusion. LEMON GRASS Perennial grass. The whole plant gives off a strong lemon scent, it reaches a height of 80-100 cm and is decorative in the garden. The fleshy stems are used to flavour stews, fish and salads. It is also used in infusions. CULTIVATION: Very easy. It behaves like an annual in non-warm climates. Used in the kitchen mainly for salads and soups; used es- pecially in Thai and Vietnamese cuisine. It has a suggestive lemony aroma and a slight sweet and sour taste. Infused it is used to aid digestion. 157 TECHNICAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION